The usual rules with my hacks apply the main feature is that all 649 Pokmon are available for capture somewhere in the game, and the trainers have all had their rosters changed in order to maintain a much.

If you want to run Pokemon White 2 rom on your PC, after that you need to download and install a compatible Nintendo DS (NDS) emulator on your PC. Sorry if this is a lot,have a lot of ideas and nitpicks about the game.ġ.Give the elite four teams of at least 5.Replace Caitlin's Musharna with a Gallade to make it more interesting.Ģ.Make Wooper and Quagsire available in the wild.Buff Quagsire's physical defense to 115 and its Special stats to 80.Buff Wooper's stats to 65 HP,55 Atk and Def,and 45 in its Special stats.ģ.A bunch of World Tournament stuff.I'll focus on the World Leaders Tournament here.ġ.Replace Onix with a Steelix with the same moveset and holding a Metal CoatĢ.Replace Sandstorm on now Steelix with Stealth Rock.ģ.Replace Choice Scarf on Aerodactyl with Expert Belt and replace Expert Belt on Rhyperior with Leftovers.ġ.Replace Choice Scarf on Starmie with Expert Belt.Ģ.Replace Sheer Cold with Hail,Ice Shard with Psychic,and Zoom Lens with Expert Belt on Lapras.ģ.Replace Rain Dance with Ice Beam and Focus Sash with Leftovers on Quagsire.Ĥ.Swap Blastoise's position with Lanturn's and replace Outrage with Rain Dance.ġ.Replace Double Team on Electrode with Self Destruct.Ģ.Replace Jolteon with Rotom-Mow,using Thunder Wave,Hex,Discharge,and Dark Pulse.ġ.Replace Vileplume(SD Vileplume with a non-STAB move and 2 status moves.very smart)with Jumpluff,using Stun Spore,U-Turn,Giga Drain,and Protect with Leftovers.ġ.Replace Slowking with Slowbro holding Leftovers.ġ.Replace Overheat on Arcanine with Flare Blitz and Focus Sash with Shuca Berry.Ģ.Replace Flareon with Houndoom,using Sunny Day,Flamethrower,Sucker Punch,and Solar Beam holding a Heat Rock.ġ.Replace Confuse Ray on Crobat with Cross Poison.Ģ.Replace Stored Power on Xatu with Thunder Wave.ġ.Replace Guillotine on Pinsir with Brick Breakġ.Replace Tauros with Bibarel using Ice Beam,Scald,Hyper Beam,and Toxic and holding a Life Orb.Ģ.Replace Ursaring with Slaking,using Chip Away,Toxic,Slack Off,and Aerial Ace and holding a Chople Berry.ġ.Replace Hitmonchan with Breloom using Leech Seed,Seed Bomb,Sky Uppercut,and Stun Spore holding a Lum Berry.ġ.Replace Mirror Coat on Magnezone with Light Screen.Ģ.Replace Iron Ball on Forretress with Occa Berry.ģ.Replace Stealth Rock on Skarmory with U-Turn.Ģ.Replace Dive and Sheer Cold with Surf and Ice Beam on Dewgong.ġ.Replace Double Team on Altaria with Dragon Dance.ġ.Replace Bulldoze with Screech on AmpharosĢ.Replace Swagger on Raichu with Fake Out.ġ.Replace Fissure on Camerupt with Substitute. Pokemon Black / White news, cheats and reviews. Pokmon Blaze Black 2 & Pokmon Volt White 2 are essentially the sequels to my Black & White hacks known as Blaze Black and Volt White. Pokemon White 2 is a fifth-generation Pokemon video game and also is the remake of Pokemon White video game that was released 2 years in the past.